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26 March 2013

Shop: Pneumatic cleco tool.

All this cleco'ing is killing my hands.  It's the 21st century so I need to preserve my tendons for computing needs.  I ordered this air cleco installation tool bad boy at Avery (Update 17-Dec-15:  The Avery family retired and the business was subsequently shut down).

Update 1-Apr-13:  This part originates from Pan American Tool Corporation and is nearly 33% cheaper thereCleaveland also carries this tool for roughly the same price as Avery.

Turns out Ed has a great demo and shares his very similar thoughts on the need for this tool.

Total tool cost thus far:  $2,662.89

Also, today I decided to order Vans' practice toolbox kit.  I'm still not feeling confident in my metalworking skills just yet.  It will be here Friday along with the new grinder.  I'll start that after I'm done with project 2 (the control surface).

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