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02 April 2013

Shop: More tool updates.

I spoke to Avery Tools about the pneumatic cleco tool that seemed to be faulty.  He said that he hadn't heard of any problems with the tool and that he doesn't check them before sending (and he certainly shouldn't).  Bob graciously offered to send me a new one immediately and reimburse me on the return shipping for the faulty one.  In describing to me how the tool works, and if I understood him, seems like it may be the o-ring on the piston that could be faulty.

The tool is available from the manufacturer (Pan American Tool) for one-third the cost of Avery and Cleaveland, though whether they'd give the personalized service I received from Bob is uncertain.

Called Sears to get a new chuck sent out to me to (hopefully) fix my wobbly drill press.  It will arrive on Friday.

After looking closely at how the other builders are using air tools during the wing build, I decided I need to have a manifold under the table so I can easily access and use air tools on either side.  It would also let me put the compressor on the other side of the basement to make more space.  So I got these to support that effort:
Picked up these to support deburring:
Working on collecting water bottles from various sources for great rivet storage.

Grinder #3 (an exchange of #2) arrived and works much better, compared to #2 and #1. It still vibrates, but I can live with this amount.  Now, to figure out how to get the Scotch-Brite wheel on it.

Total tool cost thus far:  $2,975.00

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