Major Sections

07 April 2013

Setup and Project 2.

My new pneumatic cleco tool arrived, to replace the troublesome one, and can open clecos every time!  I noticed that the piston on this tool retracts much more slowly than the first one does.  That might suggest that the original one really did suffer from the leak around the piston that I noticed.

The manifold and supporting parts came in too.  I assembled it with Teflon tape and checked for leaks.  There is a very slow leak, about 30 psi in 8 hours.  That's not worth chasing down.  This manifold will be mounted under the table so I can negotiate the air tools and hoses easier.

The pop rivet set I ordered for the trailing edge of the practice control surface came in.  Turns out, the head of the nail doesn't fit through a #40 hole.  I had to get creative:  First I tried using a smaller nail, but it was too short for the pop rivet tool to grab on to.  Ultimately, I managed to get in there with some channel locks.  Without leverage, it's hard to squeeze the handles enough and it's a challenge to keep the dimple lined up with the hole. Turns out, on two holes, the dies weren't well aligned and I had to "upsize" those holes to a #30 to get the rivet to fit.  It won't look pretty when the rivet is set.  In retrospect, I should have done this.

Other entries for project 2 are here and here.

I also went to the local EAA chapter meeting last Tuesday night.  Joined and met some nice new friends.

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