Major Sections

10 April 2013

Practice: Project 2 continues.

The control surface practice project continues.  Only rolling the leading edge, and its final riveting, remains.  Turns out I'm short one pop rivet, but that's okay.  I had some challenges getting a bucking bar at the apex of the ribs, so my rivets there aren't straight.  In fact, I had to drill out about 5 rivets today.  The good news is, I have a lot more confidence in that procedure now, so I feel like I can handle that on the real plane.  

On the trailing edge, you're asked to dimple both sides, then back rivet using the mushroom set.  The image above is me taping in the rivets.  I was really curious what this would ultimately look like.  Here it is.  Kind of neat.

I also found out what happens when you let the rivet gun go for a jog.  Ouch.

And finally, here's my air tool manifold mounted on the table leg.  The rivet gun and pneumatic cleco tool are connected right now.

Other entries for project 2 are here and here.

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