This is a very large section. It has the most pages of any section among the four kits released so far (it beats
Section 10 by 6 pages). As such, it takes quite a bit of time. In fact, the time taken to complete what's shown in this post was 45.5 hours. The majority of that time was consumed with the many repeating steps of bending to fit, cleco'ing, match/final drilling, uncleco'ing, deburring, cleco'ing and riveting in a very specific sequence (
e.g., following every fourth rivet that is set, one must check for canopy twist with the
digital level). So one can appreciate the patience needed for this section.
To start, I opted not to work on the F-14126 (rear) Window, as I deemed it safer to have a warmer garage and an experienced helper at my side, so I jumped to the canopy frame.
Following a bout of match drilling (top row), the Left and Right Canopy Frame Assemblies are riveted together (bottom left) then joined via the C-01428 Canopy Frame Splices (bottom right). I opted to use
Napa 7220 rather than mix up a my usual batch of
two part epoxy primer for these smaller jobs, though a few parts were already primed previously and are thus white rather than gray.
Most of the rivets in the assemblies can be squeezed, however the rivets attaching the Canopy Hinge Assemblies to the Canopy Frames were bucked (left). As I mostly work solo, this required an unsophisticated jig as can be seen in the picture below.
The Canopy Rail Assemblies are interesting. The C-01409-L/R Aft
Canopy Rail Angles and C-01427-L/R Aft Canopy Rail Flanges are each
fabricated at Van's from a single piece of stock and we must cut them
out of their aluminum tombs (
Michelangelo, anybody?).
Specifically, the Aft Canopy Rail Assemblies must be fluted so their
bottoms are flat, which was a time-consuming process for me.
Furthermore, the C-01407-L/R Aft Canopy Rails must be carefully bent to
match the curvature of the fuselage (left). Eventually they get
assembled (right).
The C-01417 Canopy Frame Close-Out is cleco'd on and match drilled (left). Be very careful that you mind Figure 3 on page 38-10 (right). The cleco-pattern, drill sizes and match drilling pattern are very specific. As an aside, those 1/8" holes called out for in the group-of-three holes are apparently to secure future wiring. That isn't immediately obvious to me in the images from
my August 2014 visit to Van's.
After some match drilling with the Canopy Rail Assemblies (top), the Close-Out gets riveted on (bottom two rows) as do the Canopy Splices.
The use of the
wedge tool (outlined on page 5-06) is welcomed for both the Canopy Splices (left) as well as around the Canopy Hinge Assemblies (right).
Again, it is critical to ensure the frame doesn't take on a twist, so after every fourth rivet is (symmetrically!) set, the angle on both sides must be checked with the
digital level. Thankfully, my frame stayed locked on at 6.9
° each side for the entire assembly process. I don't think the magnitude of the angle is of importance, rather only that each side is the same.
The C-01411 Canopy Rail Shim must be placed properly. There are two figures that demonstrate this placement. The one on 38-13 (top left), to me, is initially not as clear as the one on 38-18 (top right). So originally I match-drilled the piece incorrectly and only realized this after the majority of the canopy frame was riveted (bottom left), though thankfully before the shims themselves were riveted. Through much fussing around with some nylon
vehicle trim panel removers (which are designed to not scratch surfaces), strategic use of clecos and a
chip chaser, I was able to finagle the shims into their proper location (bottom right). Surprisingly, the rivets slipped right it without any "corrective" match drilling.
What clued me in to this error was that the AN426AD3-7 rivets called for were too short when the shim was placed incorrectly. This caused me to take a much closer look at the plans whereupon my error was discovered.

Eventually, the assembly gets riveted together. I found that the AN470D3-4 rivets called out for along the Canopy Frame Closeout were too long, as determined by my sizer. Additionally, I wasted a lot of time trying to squeeze those and eventually terminated the effort in favor of buckin' 'em. It's faster and cleaner.
And notice that with the canopy up, the garage door should not be opened
(with the airframe on its gear, perhaps this won't be an issue). This
suggests some prudence in putting a garage remote controller in the fuselage should
the door be opened with the canopy up by an unscrupulous, unsavvy party. Also, with the uncompleted frame temporarily placed, I took this as an opportunity to ensure that my deeper
instruments would not conflict with
the canopy Close-Out,
as illustrated in this post.
For the C-01405-L/R Aft Canopy Frame, we must use the C-01442C Aft Canopy Fixture to ensure the parts are properly aligned (left). Originally, I placed the fixture in the proper location during the first alignment procedure. However, following the initial riveting of the Canopy Handle Assembly, I used the fixture incorrectly. This caused the parts to be improperly aligned, so the frame parts were scrapped and replaced to the tune of $80, shipped.
I noticed this error when I went to rivet the parts together and saw that the holes no longer lined up (since I now had the fixture properly placed rather than improperly placed when it was match drilled). Correct placement is shown on the left image. Reviewing my
time lapse video confirmed that the fixture was improperly placed, as seen clearly in the right image (where it is also apparent that building in my cold garage is a far less comfortable affair than the climate controlled basement in my previous digs). Ugh.

In keeping with my red accent theme throughout the interior of the aircraft, I painted the Canopy Handle Assembly red (whilst again painting the canopy frame the same color as the interior as
with the Rollover Structure). So the part should look like the below images.
And it made sense to paint the canopy frame interior prior to match drilling the canopy window (other builders concurred) as I don't anticipate a lot of handling in areas that are vulnerable to scratching. I decided to paint the C-01445-L/R switch brackets red too (which induced me to update
my panel with an indicator light for the canopy).
No pictures of the completed assembly on the aircraft. I'm waiting to complete the rear window.