31 October 2014

Fuselage: Fuselage kit delivered.

It's been a while since I visited my own blog.  No work=no entries.  Pleased to report that my fuselage kit came today.  A 296 pound 97x40x19 inch crate.  It had one inconsequential forklift tine puncture.  Negotiating this heavy of a crate into the basement egress window, as done with the 33% lighter wings and empennage crates, was akin to asking for injuries.  So I had the driver, Dave, deposit the crate on my walkway (he remembered delivering my wing kit back in Apr-13).

Working solo, I emptied the contents into the basement (through the front door for once) and moved the empty crate into the garage (gotta make room for the trick-or-treaters).  Invigorating exercise on a beautifully brisk morning!  Next is unwrapping everything and doing inventory, though I haven't yet found the hardware manifest.  Oh, and running to the store to buy candy for the kids.

Pictures with unwrapped parts will be forthcoming (even before the arrival of this kit, my house hangar has been quite full:  See these comical images of my living room).  The wrapped parts are currently sitting in the empty empennage and wing crates in the basement.  For now, here are a few pics of the fuse crate during the unpacking process.

It will be fun to get back to building again.  For the wings and empennage, I had to cease construction operations due to lack of space.  Plus I was waiting to get some help to finish up rolling the leading edges of the elevators and rudder.  With a relatively clear basement, the fuselage build can progress along until it gets too big for removal.  My new house hangar, with its more airplane-amenable floorplan, is finally under construction and should be completed by February.  In the interim, I should get a good head start on the fuse, assuming there are a few nice days for washing and etching parts outside so they can be primed.

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