In the interest of sharing with the community, here are the first revisions of my RV-14A Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH), flight and annual checklists and flight test cards. Please note, these were assembled prior to first flight and thus I anticipate they will all change during and after Phase I. As with all information on my site, it is being offered free for use.
Feel free to copy and modify any or all of them to suit your needs. Links to the files are in the matrix below the image.
I used OpenOffice to create each document. It's a free open source office suite. Below I include the documents in PDF, OpenOffice text (.odt) and Microsoft Word (.doc) formats (the .doc files may not preserve the full fidelity of original OpenOffice formatting). I will update the links with future versions as I write them. Following Phase 1 testing, v1.0 will be completed.
I used OpenOffice to create each document. It's a free open source office suite. Below I include the documents in PDF, OpenOffice text (.odt) and Microsoft Word (.doc) formats (the .doc files may not preserve the full fidelity of original OpenOffice formatting). I will update the links with future versions as I write them. Following Phase 1 testing, v1.0 will be completed.
It's best to save the .odt and .docx files directly to your computer/phone/tablet. If you instead view them in Google Docs' native viewer, they will be mangled on your screen.
READ THIS. No seriously, read the following: Downloads are below. Click the file and format you would like. After your browser opens the link, on the top right of the window/screen select the download icon (looks like an arrow pointing down). This will save a local copy on your computer for you to edit as you please. You don't need to request sharing or edit access. I get so many of those requests that I no longer respond to them.
READ THIS. No seriously, read the following: Downloads are below. Click the file and format you would like. After your browser opens the link, on the top right of the window/screen select the download icon (looks like an arrow pointing down). This will save a local copy on your computer for you to edit as you please. You don't need to request sharing or edit access. I get so many of those requests that I no longer respond to them.
.odt | .docx | ||
POH | v1.7 | v1.7 | v1.7 |
Flight Checklist | v2.0 | v2.0 | v2.0 |
Condition Inspection Checklist | v1.6 | v1.6 | v1.6 |
Flight Test Cards | v0.2 | v0.2 | v0.2 |
Shamless plug: I'm sharing my design, for free, with the community for the larger oil cooler to bring down oil temperature in the EXP119 engine:
Concerned about high OilT with the EXP119? Read about my installation of a larger oil cooler including the free CAD files necessary to do it yourself. Also on that page, you'll find my free design for a smoother transition (a.k.a, shroud/duct) from the 5" and 4" SCAT to the stock oil cooler.
POH Updates:
5-Feb-25: W&B has condition formatting on the CG values to indicate out-of-envelope.
1-Dec-24: Checklist include IFR tasks. Minor inspection checklist updates.
12-Dec-23: My W&B updated in POH and W&B document.
11-Nov-23: Condition inspection checklist updated.
3-Oct-23: POH and flight checklist updated.
21-Nov-21: POH and condition inspection checklist updated.
14-Nov-20: Condition inspection checklist updated.
14-Sep-20: POH and flight checklist updated.
26-Nov-19: POH, flight checklist and condition inspection checklist updated.
21-Jan-19: POH updated.
21-Nov-18: Condition inspection checklist added.
10-Jan-19: Added my W&B spreadsheet in both OpenOffice .ods and Microsoft Excel .xls formats.
21-Jan-19: POH updated.
21-Nov-18: Condition inspection checklist added.
10-Jan-19: Added my W&B spreadsheet in both OpenOffice .ods and Microsoft Excel .xls formats.
Much of the POH structure and some of its wording were stolen from a POH written by Brian and Brandi for N42BU, an RV-10. Most of the wording from the RV-14 plans' Chapter 2 serve as the first three subsections.
I copied much of the checklist structure and wording found in N42BU's checklist.
I copied the flight test card set offered by N169AK, modifying it as appropriate for my needs.
Tim Olson's N14YT annual checklist served as the starting point for mine.
I copied much of the checklist structure and wording found in N42BU's checklist.
I copied the flight test card set offered by N169AK, modifying it as appropriate for my needs.
Tim Olson's N14YT annual checklist served as the starting point for mine.