10 January 2016

Empennage: Fairings. Rudder top fairing on.

This post might seem out-of-sequence, however I had been putting off finishing the leading edge and working on the fairings in favor of securing experienced help.  

For the fiberglass work, having now seen the process, I'm no longer hesitant to approaching it.  A future post will provide my thoughts on how to work with fiberglass.  In the meantime, you can see how we fit the top fairing prior (left).  And the additional sanding necessary to match the top fairing's taper to that of the rudder proper (right).  I'll need to pour some resin in the space between the aluminum and fairing to close it off.

I'm waiting to complete the bottom fairing until I can mount the rudder and vertical stabilizer.  This will ensure the taper of that fairing matches that of the aircraft's.

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